you don't know her, but you will
Going to San Antonio on a sunny Sunday afternoon is a treat for everyone that goes to the city, one of the oldest cities in Texas and home to a culture rich community that you wish, as an outsider that you could be a part of. For me being so lucky, I met one of the beautiful individuals that is from this city my freshman year of college at Texas State University. She is a force to be reckoned with and is a woman you will never forget. Amanda Bhrido is her name and living life as SHE WANTS is her game. “My family has a strange background, originally my father was from a prominent family, that is until he realized my grandmother was having an affair and that his father actually was of the name Bhirdo, and yes, it’s French.” Amanda was born and raised in San Antonio and she has always been proud of her hometown. “This city shaped me, made me who I am. I couldn’t imagine growing up anywhere else, it would be like imagining me as a completely different person.”
Pellentesque tincidunt arcu et consectetur condimentum. Nulla cursus ex sed eros porttitor, vel rutrum magna porttitor. Pellentesque finibus ornare tincidunt. Quisque eu enim auctor, varius orci id, semper urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla vel ultrices urna. Donec nec ipsum orci. Phasellus sed semper erat.